Published inBetter ProgrammingVolleyball Serve Detection With Machine LearningThe Volleyball video problemMar 29, 20231Mar 29, 20231
Published inTDS ArchiveRecognize Volleyball Game Stages with Machine LearningClassify player positions with people detectorFeb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
Published inTDS ArchivePicking fast people detector working with OpenCV on CPU in 2021Recently I needed to detect people for a new pet project. I didn't do that for some time and decided to check out what is the best option…Jan 4, 20222Jan 4, 20222
Published invball-ioVolleyball tracking on drone video with OpenCV and Canny edge detectionLast year I worked on ball recognition and tracking using volleyball videos from Youtube and even launched a service for people who want to…Jun 16, 20211Jun 16, 20211
Published invball-ioWhat kind of video is good for vball.ioAfter monitoring customers during the first months, I noticed a lot of people attempt to process TV records (or at least…May 24, 2021May 24, 2021
Published — First resultsAbout a month ago I launched — a tool for volleyball video analytics. So far too many exciting features could be implemented…Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Published inThe StartupCut Highlights From Volleyball Game With Ball Tracking and Computer VisionRecently I started with ball tracking in volleyball and the experiment promised interesting results — an ability to cut rallies from wholeNov 17, 20203Nov 17, 20203
Published inTDS ArchiveBall tracking in volleyball with OpenCV and TensorflowComputer vision and neural networks in SportTechAug 25, 20201Aug 25, 20201
Published inTDS ArchiveSquats detector with OpenCV and TensorflowArtificial intelligence in SportTechJun 23, 2020Jun 23, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveHow to stream video with real-time object detection on Raspberry PiRasbperry Pi is not fast in object detections but using cloud and specialized hardware it is possible to achieve sub real-time FPS.Feb 24, 20201Feb 24, 20201